Boston Speeding Ticket Lawyer / Traffic & Speeding Charges in MA
Our firm represents drivers from all over the country, who receive speeding tickets while driving in Massachusetts.
If you were recently cited for speeding in Massachusetts, it is important to take action as soon as possible. You only have 20 days to decide whether you want to appeal the ticket or simply pay the fine. If you avoid taking action altogether, you might face a bigger fine, suspension of your license, or even jail time.
Paying the fine right away will likely lead to an increase in your insurance premium. If you choose to pay right away, you are also waiving your right to appeal the ticket at a hearing. Investing in an experienced attorney to appeal your ticket can save you money in the long run.
When you appeal a ticket, you will get a hearing date. A clerk magistrate will first hear from the officer who issued the ticket, or a representative from the police department. Next, I will present your case at the hearing. The clerk can find you responsible or not responsible, and then maintain or reduce the fine. Before the hearing, I will work hard to develop a strong defense, based on our conversations, the surrounding circumstances, and the law. Every ticket is different, and I always go in prepared.
If the clerk decides to hold you responsible for the speeding ticket, you can appeal to a judge. At this hearing, the police officer who wrote the ticket will be present. The judge can uphold the clerk magistrate’s decision or find you not responsible. You have a much better chance of winning at the clerk magistrate hearing than at this second appeal. You only have one shot at the clerk magistrate hearing – make it count.